Sunday, October 4, 2009

"I ask for your support"

September 4, 2009
0800 Hours

This morning as I sit in the front room, having a cup of coffee, with Dar’s favorite candles burning I find myself thinking back to the early days of our present saga.

I remember being told that there was no chance that Dar would recover, that she was not going to regain “purposeful movement”, that for every day there was no progress she would be destined for a life of nothingness.

For those that have been following the blog, we know these early observations not to be true.

This very special lady has and continues to show how much we as mere mortals know about the love of God and the power of prayer.

I’m not going to list all the miracles we have seen, I am not going to remind you all of the things that Dar has done that defy all that was said early on, all you have to do is read from the beginning of this story way back in December of 2008 to realize that God has been very busy in this young ladies life.

All you have to do is read and you will see all the people that God has brought into Dar’s life for a specific purpose, to perform a specific task, to shed light on her needs for recovery.

This does not even take into account all of the people that God has brought into “my” life, the new friendships I have made because of similar tragedy to another. The bonds that I have made with families like the Stewarts, the Murphy’s and the Spitzers.

I find myself this day so overwhelmed with thoughts and feelings that I can’t even put them into words. My usual ability to ‘put to pen” is fragmented, confused, and totally askew this morning.

Maybe my “state of confusion”, my apparent inability to structure my thoughts is caused in part because of what is about to happen. Maybe I am just tired, by no means am I fearful, I am not “weary” of my circumstance, I am not angry at God, I think I am just in need of what I would selfishly call “some fishin” time. A little “me time” to refuel my tank so as to be fully prepared for the next few weeks ahead.

Tomorrow, Dar and I head to Marin General Hospital at 0800 hours and prepare for what may very well be a huge turning point in Dar’s recovery.

All of us connected with Darlene’s recovery, friends, family, professionals and you the readers wait with bated breath for what we may see later this next coming week. The thought of what may be is so exciting. To hope and allow ourselves to believe that later next week Dar could have command performance over her arms, legs, hands and fingers is just astounding. Not to mention that this little pump could also aid in Dar’s ability to speak without as much difficulty is just mind blowing.

It’s no wonder that I am having a hard time keeping thoughts and feelings in check.

Having watched Darlene over these many months take small steady steps back to “life” is and has been and will continue to be something that I will not soon forget nor take for granted. This little lady has the fight of a giant, the heart of an angel, and the spirit of one that loves life, family and God. I am very lucky to have this lady as my wife and best friend.

I ask something special of all of you the readers this week. Please hold Dar up in your prayers as she has this very special procedure. Please pray that Gods hands will be guiding Dr. Dawson as he places the pump. Please pray that those attending Dar before, during and after the procedure will be blessed with a little something extra as they too learn how special this lady is. Please pray for me that I might find little moments of rest while Dar is resting so that I might be able to attend to her, as she needs. I would pray that this outing would be better than the last.

Stay tuned everyone; at a minimum we are going to see Dar in much less pain and discomfort because of this pump placement.

As I predicted, I believe we will see Dar able to reach new goals, grab more stars, and be able to do more for herself than ever before. I believe that it is totally possible that “Dar’s Recovery” is about to make a dramatic change.

“Dar’s Recovery, A Journey Back To Life” continues, thank you all so much for your support and prayers.

Love to all,


PS, almost forgot, yesterday Dar spent over 2 hours without her headrest on her wheelchair. Dar was able to fully support and control her head. This is what therapist’s call, “significant” improvement. Keep in mind this is before pump placement; imagine what we may see after placement. I hope you are just a little bit excited too!!!

Dar also worked with her “communication” device and although there were a few “bugs” with the machine, she is able to make it work and navigate through some of its programs. Again, “significant improvement”.

“I Love You Dar and I am so very proud of you" Danny

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