Monday, March 8, 2010

"Something exciting is brewing"

March 8,2010
1937 Hours

The following is an email I sent to Dr. Doherty Saturday evening. Her response just moments ago is at the bottom of the page

Evening Dr D

Over the last few days something interesting is going on with Dar and I am excited and a little stumped.

When it comes to Cortical Blindness, my research tells me that there are cases and such where the patient may have better vision in the Pheriprial more than straight on. Is this an accurate statement?

Dar is showing signs of being aware of me sneaking up from the side both left and right and knowing it is me. This action can be as far away as 2 to 3 feet. When she is aware of my presence she laughs and smiles. She also will throw her eyes and head in the direction of my sneak. She will also blink when fingers are flashed at her from the side.

When I sneak I am very very quiet, I am not wearing any cologne, and I move very slow as to not make any air turbulence. When asked if she can see Dar will try to answer with words but when and if that fails she will laugh in the affirmative as she always has.

Could this really be happening or may it be that her other senses are kicking in and becoming more acute? Is there any other thing that I can do to test this seemingly new hurdle she has scaled.

Even at night with just a dim night light she appears to know when I come up from the side.

Could this be real!!!!!!!!!!!

She gets very excited with this new activity and I don't believe she is saying that she can see me when in reality she can't. She has always been truthful about her shortcomings. What do you think, and do you have any test off the top of your head that I might try.

Hope your weekend is great, Dar is fantastic and extremely happy.


Hi there. Yes it is entirely possible that Dar can see better peripherally than straight ahead. Typically the vision comes back in pieces. SO this would not be unusual! Glad to hear about it.

Dr. D

Please pray that In the days ahead we possibly get more definitive answers to this awesome new activity.

Thank you all so much for your prayers,

We are experiencing a bit of a “yucky” day today; I am convinced Dar is in the early days of yet another UTI. Please pray she has a restful night and the nurse arrives early tomorrow.

Good night all, we love you much.
