Thursday, April 30, 2009

"Diane and Roger visit Dar"


0433 hours

Driving from Salem Oregon earlier in the week, sister Diane and husband Roger stopped by Kentfield on there way home. They were able to spend a fun filled day of laughter, stories and all around silliness with Dar.

This was Roger's first visit to see Dar since she left Oroville Hospital back in January, Diane has not seen Dar since Valentines Day. It was great to have Dar in good spirits and happy to see sister and her husband.

Diane and Roger are going to stop by this morning before heading back home.

Dar's visit to see Dr. Shapiro turned out to be somewhat confusing to Dr. Doherty. It seems that there is no reason that Dar should be having trouble with the "button". Dr. Doherty has some ideas that she is pursuing but will talk with Dr. Shapiro further and hopefully get some more specific answers to her questions.

Although we did not get a definitive answer or a clear cut direction to go Dr. Doherty believes that Dar should be using her speaking valve and eating her "puree" food by the weekend. Dar will have another chest x-ray today and given a clear report Dar should be off and running as she was before. She really misses not being able to hear her voice and the ability to communicate with those folks that work with her.

Dar had a busy day of therapys, but we were all able to go sit on the patio and visit for about an hour or so. The weather was a little bit cool but Dar was very content to be outside with a blanket to keep her warm and feel the sun on her face.

I am looking forward to hearing from Dr. Doherty, hopefully before the weekend, regarding her conversation with Dr. Shapiro.

Must get ready for work, put the clothes in the dryer, feed the dog and get ready for the day. As things come to mind during the day I may add to the post later today.

Please continue to pray for Dar and as I have said many times before and you will hear many more times in the future, thank you for your support and prayers. We are thankfull to you all.

Talk later, in closing I am enclosing an email I received yesterday that I really needed to hear. I hope you enjoy it and think about it during your day today.

How to Dance in the Rain

It was a busy morning, about 8:30 , when an elderly gentleman in his 80s arrived to have stitches removed from his thumb. He said he was in a hurry as he had an appointment at 9:00 am .

I took his vital signs and had him take a seat, knowing it would be over an hour before someone would to able to see him. I saw him looking at his watch and decided, since I was not busy with another patient, I would evaluate his wound. On exam, it was well healed, so I talked to one of the doctors, got the needed supplies to remove his sutures and redress his wound.

While taking care of his wound, I asked him if he had another doctor's appointment this morning, as he was in such a hurry.

The gentleman told me no, that he needed to go to the nursing home to eat breakfast with his wife. I inquired as to her health.

He told me that she had been there for a while and that she was a victim of Alzheimer's Disease.

As we talked, I asked if she would be upset if he was a bit late.

He replied that she no longer knew who he was, that she had not recognized him in five years now.

I was surprised, and asked him, 'And you still go every morning, even though she doesn't know who you are?'

He smiled
as he patted my hand and said,
'She doesn't know me,
but I still know who she is.'

I had to hold back tears as he left, I had goose bumps on my arm, and thought,
'That is the kind of love
I want in my life.'
True love is neither
physical, nor romantic.

True love is an acceptance of all that is, has been, will be, and will not be.

With all the jokes and fun that are in e-mails, sometimes there is one that comes along that has an important message. This one I thoughtI could share with you.

The happiest people don't necessarily have the best of everything;
they just make the best
of everything they have.
I hope you share this with someone you care about.
I just did.

'Life isn't about how to survive the storm,
but how to dance in the rain.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

" On the Road Again "

0541 Hours

A song made famous by Willie Nelson, Dar is back "on the road again"

Yesterday I found Dar to be back to her "perky" self. Eyes open, big smile, full of laughter but unfortunately not able to use her speaking valve.

Running a slight fevor during the week and x-rays showing a bit of congestion in the right lung Dr. D decided to error on the side of caution and re-inflate the "cuff" and not use the "speaking valve" until Dar sees Dr. Shapiro on Tuesday. This caution eliminates the possibility of Dar "asperating" anything into her lungs. Dr. D also started Dar on an antibiotic in pill form given through her "g tube".

Still learning about this blackberry phone I was not receiving emails yesterday or if I did get one it was immediatley gone upon closing. I think I have since found the reason why. I had sent Dr. D an email early yesterday when I learned that Dar could not use her speaking valve. When I returned home late yesterday Dr. D had answered with Dar's update. Not knowing exactly what was going on made for a somewhat worrisome day with Dar.

We were still able to do all the things she enjoys during the day, ie "wheel chair quad ride", stroll to "Ross", play with Mav, play her new favorite game "simon says"(works on different tasks and practices following instructions), her "win" rate is going up. Just was not quite the same as we could not enjoy her contagious laughter that everyone has come to enjoy and love. Was not able to give her ice cream or juice either.

The "tone" in her legs, hips, knees, shoulders and hands seems to have decreased in the last few days also. I was able to put her hand splints on with minimal complaint from Dar. When lying on her back we have been really striving to get Dar's legs totally flat on the bed without a pillow under her knees, (pillow promotes flexion we don't want), moving slowly and talking to Dar I am able to get her legs almost flat on the bed. Dar wears leg splints for two hours on two off during the day. Same with the hand splints. In the last few days splints have been able to be put on relatively easy. Dar being the trooper she is she puts up with the discomfort like a champ.

Dar's sister Diane and husband Roger will be at Kentfield Wednesday with us and I hope that they will be able to enjoy Dar's "nightengale" voice and see her eat solid food. Prayers please for Dar's visit to Dr. Shapiro Tuesday and we might find the reason Dar is having trouble with the "button".

Must take a moment to express our joy for the John Murphy family. You remember John is the Cal Poly student that fell from a 4 story window some 9 months ago. John, a resident of Kentfield for 8 months and patient of Dr D is graduating to a new facility near Kentfield, still Dr D's patient and another huge step closer to going home.

A miracle, John has triumphed above all odds. John's family has looked forward to this day for months, wondering if John would ever progress to where he is today enduring the weeks of no improvement, the steps forward, then the steps backward, the Murphy family has endured and God has blessed. A testament to prayer and faith, John Murphy is walking, writing, escaping from his bed and beginning to talk as he leaves Kentfield Hospital Tuesday at 1:30

The stars always in sight, John is one step closer to going home.

To the Murphy family I would like to say, I will miss you all, miss John's antics, miss the text messages you send Peggy, the camera pics you send. Kevin, our talks in the lobby, the smiles of Molly and Kaitlin, (sisters). Things will be different now but these are the goals that we all strive to reach when we have a loved one in this situation. Moving forward and upward, that's what we are about. Thank you Murphy's, thank you for all that you are and thank you for being a big part of Dar's and my life. This is not good bye. We can't say good bye to family, family is with us forever, and your family is our family.


In closing I have chosen to save a comment from Dr.D regarding Dar's progress.

"Dar is doing very,very well"

Please continue to pray for Dar and know that we love and appreciate all of you.

Pray for John Murphy and his continuing progress.

Pray for Rye Spitzer, (our other extended family) accross the hall.

Long post today folks, thanks for reading. Love you all


Thursday, April 23, 2009

" Another good day for Dar"

0544 Hours

Although yesterday was a good day for Dar, it was not without a couple of disappointments.

Dr. D removed Dar's trach and put the button in in the morning. Dar accepted the button for a couple of minutes and then began to struggle some. Dr D removed the button and Dar was fine. Dr. D put her regular trach back in and Dar was again comfortable.

Dr. D believes that Dar may have an obstrution above the trach and has made an appointment for Dar to return to the ENT specialist on Tuesday. Although a minor set back Dr. D is not overly concerned.

In regards to Dar's meds Dr. D is going to reduce her dosage of the new one. Dar will be back to her happy jovial self be Satuday morning.

Still excited and pleased, Dr D continues to stay on top of Dar's Recovery.

I continue to be amazed with the dedication and commitment of everyone at Kentfield Hospital. A very special group of care providers.

Again we thank you all for your prayers and thoughts. I ask that you continue to pray for Dar and her recovery.

Love to you all,


Sunday, April 19, 2009

" Latest News In Dar's Recovery"

1556 Hours

Here is the latest communication between myself and DR. D

--Dr. D

If there was an attachment you wanted me to open, I was unable to do so.
If not disregard this message. With Dar, happy, comfortable and "tone" both
legs, hands, arms seems much better. Talking like a J bird, very tired today,
busy week I am sure
Look forward to hear your plan for "button

Danny Mardilla

-Subject: update

my plan is to place the button this coming week. either wed or thursday.
dar is doing great and really communicating!
i am changing her tone meds around a bit. we will reassess next week, which will give the medication time to work and build up to a reasonable level. the spasticity was not ideally controlled with our combination of dantrium and baclofen, especially at the hips and knees. therefore, i have changed out one of her drugs for tone for a different one. we will need to see how well the new one works and whether or not it makes her sleepy. we are following her hip and knee tightness very carefully. debbie b. is checking to see if the insurance will pay for some fancier splints called dynasplints for the legs.
sorry i missed you. thursdays i work very late since dr. waters is off on thursdays. i know that you are burning the candle at both ends, between work and having darlene in the hospital.
hope you are taking care of yourself too!

dr. d

-Subject: RE: update

If today was an indication of reaction regarding Dar's new meds, she was very definatley sleepy all day. Never opened her eyes all day. Was a great sport all day but seemed very very tired. Was up in her chair from 10 til 2:30. Outside, took walks, was very happy, pain free, communicative, aware of her surroundings a total trooper but just seemed very tired. virtually no pain when it came to splinting hands, allowed me to work range of motion with legs, only whimpered about range of motion to arms and shoulders. Very understanding about what therapists are doing and thanks them when they are done. Understands that no one is trying to hurt her and will tell them she knows that it must be done.
I just can't believe the progress she has made in the last 10-14 days. I was trained in feeding her puree foods, she enjoyed ice cream and V8 juice this afternoon. She continues to astound me with her progress. I am so proud of her and thankfull to you and Dr. Waters.
I will be onsite Wednesday if that sways your decision to place the "button". In the event you would like me to stay with her overnight (bipap) let me know and I can make arrangements. My workplace is aware of Dar's progress and knows the next step we are about to take. You make the call.

Thank you again Dr. D

Ps, I have noticed that since you changed the order about the Vicodin to every 4 hours and the morphine at 2:20, and if needed other times Dar seems much less to be in pain. It seems to me that since Wednesday, and especially today her tone has decreased significantly and she seems much more comfortable. As I said she is without pain all day, only the morphine at 2:20, and the vicodin, she wants to be outside in her chair and does not want to return to bed. Even after a tough therapy session. I weighed her today and she is at 105, just about her fighting weight. She sleeps well and just look downright happy. Quite the fighter.

Thanks Dr. D

Thursday, April 16, 2009

" Dar is eating solid food "


1850 Hours

Hi folks, just a post to tell you how incredible today has been.

Arrived this morning instead of yesterday. Due to scheduling issues I had to be on campus.

Today has been totally incredible. Dar has been happy since the moment I arrived. I learned that Dar's " trach cuff" has been deflated since yesterday. Dar can have her speaking valve on from 8am till 8pm without attendance from staff. She has been talking all day.

Virtually without pain all day Dar has been in rare form all day.

I also learned that Dar has been eating applesauce, yogurt and drinking juice from a straw. How cool is this news.

Tomorrow morning she has requested to have a little bit of eggs, cream of wheat and choclate ice cream. It is possible she could be on a regular soft diet by Monday.

I am waiting now to hear from Dr. D and her plan for "trach" removal. It is possible that it might be gone by Sat.We will see.

I must tell you this, keeping up with Dar now is both exciting and exhausting. She is making up for lost time.

Well just something short for you to read. Talk to you all soon. Thank you for your continued prayers. We love you all. Dar is making fabulous progress. It is amazing.

Good night all,


Friday, April 10, 2009

"A Blessed Easter to all" " A time for Miracles"

04:40 AM

Good morning to all. When I posted last I told everyone that Dar spoke for the first time on Sunday while her parents and older sister were with her. Since Sunday I saw Dar on Wednesday and she is talking up a storm..When I arrived on Wednesday Dar was still sleeping so I waited awhile before waking her. About 8:30 knowing she had therapy at 9:00 I woke Dar and she was very much glad to know I was there. Happy and smiling for everyone we got her dressed for the day and ready for her first of several therapy sessions of the day.Dar’s first session was with Dowie and Katrina in the gym. She worked on the mat stretching and working her upper and lower back muscles. For the most she was comfortable and had a very good session. At the end of her 30 minute session we went out to the lobby of the hospital so she could enjoy some other surroundings other than her room. Dar loves to be on the move in her chair. It was raining outside so she was content to just be in the lobby and talk and smile and laugh with me and when visitors that knew her stopped by to say “HI” Dar was very outgoing.

Speech therapist Jennifer found us shortly after we got to the lobby and asked if Dar would like to have her session there? Dar told her “yes”. I asked if Dar had been talking to them since Sunday and Jennifer told me that she was mouthing words but that she had not spoken as yet. When I asked if they were aware that Dar started speaking with her “speaking valve” on Sunday, Jennifer said they were not aware of it.I told Jennifer of what had taken place on Sunday and that Dar had the “inner canula” of her trach shortened and the white speaking valve placed instead of the “red speaking cap” and Dar found her vocal cords and started talking on Sunday. Jennifer got real excited and left for a few moments and brought Linda (head speech therapist) back with her. Linda had Dar’s shortened “inner canula” and white speaking valve in hand. Linda deflated Dar’s “cuff” and placed the “valve” assembly in place and Dar was off to the races. Dar started laughing and talking like a “jay bird’. It was very exciting to see for the first time what I had heard about on Sunday.Linda and Jennifer began Dar’s specific “session” after much laughter and joy; they too were as excited as I about Dar’s progress.Much of Dar’s session after that was specific to “memory recall”, Dar knows she is in the hospital, not quite sure where but knows she is there because she “fell”.Dar knows she is 45 years old and she was born on the 29th, but is little confused as to the month. She thinks it is July but is not quite sure, it is June.

Dar can fill in the blank to most questions and is able to tell us when she is hurting or is comfortable. Dr Waters was able to see first hand how well Dar is speaking. Doctor Waters asked Dar a few questions that are only savvy to the two of them and Dar laughed and laughed. She sounds very good when she laughs. Dar has to take her time when answering questions as she is not able to say many words in one breath of air, so we wait patiently as she thinks and gathers her breath before she speaks.On Saturday Dar and I talked about the upcoming holiday, Easter, I told Dar that there was only one thing that I would like from her before or the day of Easter. I told Dar that I would really like to hear her say “I love you” to me. She smiled.During a break of her session I asked Dar if she remembered what I asked for on Easter. She smiled and then slowly said those three words I was longing to hear, Dar slowly and carefully in two breaths of air said “I love you”. That did it, wasn’t a dry eye in the house, therapists included. Between the joy and laughter Dar could not help but start laughing with the rest of us.

I am so proud of her and the progress she has made. She is such a special lady and God certainly has His hand in her recovery.Dar concluded her therapy session with a “A Plus” grade.

We stayed in the lobby till her buddy Dowie came back for yet another PT session in the gym. We told him that Dar had her speaking valve in and asked if he wanted it removed and put back to her regular state. Dowie thought for a moment and said “lets leave it in, maybe she can talk to me in gym class”. OPPS, wrong thing to say, because after Dar rolled down the hallways laughing loud enough for others to look to see who it was and congratulate her, Dar told Dowie when he asked her if she was ready to use the Standing Machine, Dar said and I quote “NO”, Dowie asked are you sure, Dar said “YES”, Dowie “caved”, “gave in”. He and Dar spent the next 30 minutes working on her center of balance. Actually, Dowie was very pleased with Dar. She is now getting better and is starting to find her “center of balance” in the sitting position. Does not hold it long but she does find it and can hold it for about a 3 second count. This is major improvement. Still holding her head weight and able to” look up” Dar continues to improve on a daily basis.

I cannot help but be excited about this weekend, a weekend of hope, joy, miracles and family.In closing for this post Dar and I would again like to take a moment to thank all of you far and wide that have become part of our lives to say how much we appreciate your prayers and the love that you have shown.

During this special time of year we ask that as you gather around your “family” dinner table, bar-b-que on the patio, spin about the lake in your boat, or visit the “resting” place of a loved one, that you just take a moment and thank God for what He has done in your life, the blessings you have. Take a moment to tell those around you how much you care and love them. We have no idea what tomorrow brings, but one thing sure, “we have today, this moment”,,,,,,,,, Happy Easter, We love You All.

Love to all,Dar/Danny

Post update,

The picture at the top of the post was sent to me a short while ago from Peggy Murphy, John’s mom. If you look closely you can see Dar is showing off her “blue” mouth. Blue because she had her first taste of real people food on Thursday. Don’t know what it was but it was a “puree’ “. Blue I am sure so they could be sure Dar is swallowing correctly. I hear she did “fabulous”. What a great time we can look forward to this weekend, talking and eating real food. Said it before and I will say it again, miracles do happen and you are watching God do His work for Dar. Thank you all, keep your prayers coming, Happy Easter to All.

Love ya,

Sunday, April 5, 2009

" An amazing woman and friend"

0700 Hours

I don't know if I adequatley describe how proud and amazed at Darlene I am. In the last month exactly, Dar has as Dr. Doherty says " come light years from when she entered Kentfield".
The progress that Dar has made in the last month is incredible. From opening her mouth for yes to closing her mouth with tight lips for no, Dar is now saying the words "yes" and "no". She can fill in the last word of questions posed by therapists, such as " the elevator goes up and, Dar fills in the rest, "down". Actually mouths the word down. two weeks ago she was not moving her feet and legs, or for that matter her toes very much. Today she is kicking the therapists in the butt with her right foot and leg, kicking Dr. D in the hand with her right foot, almost able to put her leg parrellel to the floor, but only for a moment.
Her left foot and leg which was not moving at all is now doing small circles and forward motion equal to about half of her right. Incredible progress.

Dar is able to direct us to problem areas when they hurt. Follows all conversations she can hear and will give you her thoughts about the subject. Makes everyone happy when they see her, greets all with a "hi" when you tell her who has come to visit or take care of her. She is amazing. A one of a kind, a fighter.
Dar"s mom, dad and older sister Christine came for a visit yesterday and for the three of them I am sure it was a great day. Mom and dad had not seen Dar since Valentines Day, Christine had not seen Dar since she left Oroville, all three of them had not seen what I have been writing about untill yesterday.
I don"t believe they went to their motel room disappointed, especially Dar's dad. It was good to see him smile and laugh with Darlene, it has been a long time since I had seen what I saw yesterday, usually quite and reserved, dad had the camcorder out and was having fun.

I remember coming back into the ICU Unit at Oroville when Christine was up for her only visit before Dar left for Kentfield. Something made me stop and not return to the room, to give sisters time alone, to give them that special time that they needed, to give Christine the opportunity to talk and just sit quietly reading to Dar and say those things and say those prayers that I know God has heard and Darlene was blessed with. I watched Christine sit with Dar, she never knew I was there but I knew something special was going on.

Got a kick out of Dar's mom yesterday. After all of us went to Dar's "standing therapy" Dar absoulutley did not want to go back to her room. We stayed outside till she got a little chill and then moved to the lobby of the hospital. During all of our time there Dar was up to her little tricks and showing off for all of us. Dar's mom would ask me to ask Dar if she rememberd this or that and each time she did I told her to ask Dar herself. It just tickled me to be able to say "ask her yourself, she will answer". I have no idea why, it just tickeled me that all three of them were able to share and talk with Dar like they always have, to share stories and memories that only they have. Everything from baked Alaska to Rusty the dog, to Darlene hating to have to eat peas. It was I hope a GREAT DAY for them.

When the therapist came outside to get Dar for therapy we all got to see first hand how well Dar can process information. The therapist asked her if she was ready to go to the gym and use the "standing frame" , a machine that allows her to stand with all her weight (98 lbs now) on her legs and feet. This forces her to straighten those legs and stretch those muscles. When asked if she was ready, Dar has found her ability to say what she feels, Dar very clearly answered "no" she did not want to go to the gym. She hates the standing machine, absolutley hates it. It hurts, it makes her do things she does not want to do, it forces her to stretch, it makes her hurt and she flat out does not like it and she told the therapist she did not want to go. But................. the trooper she is Dar went and hated every minute of it but when it was all over and she was back in her chair, she was happy and ready to go back outside. Ready to take a walk, ready to feel the breeze in her face and put her sunglasses back on.

Regarding her sunglasses, you have probably learned by now or have figured out that at this time she cannot see, we do not not know if this is permanent but we do know that she can tell the difference between light and dark. Dar does not like alot of bright light, room or outside, thus she likes to wear sunglasses. If memory serves I believe I told you about Cortical Blindness, a result of anoxic injury to the brain. Time will tell and at this time Dar is aware of her condition and is dealing very well with it. We continue to hope and pray that as the brain heals so this will heal and her vision will return. I have long ago accepted that if this were the only permanent disablement, I would count my blessings knowing that Dar and I have so many places that we could return to that she has memory of and so many places that she has read about or shared with others that she and I would have and could have a very, very fullfilled life.

Besides, she would have a specially trained companion and Maverick, upon his approval would have a buddy to play with. Such a small price to pay to have the rest of my life to be with the one that has my utmost admiration and respect for.

When others had given up hope for Dar and tried to tell me that all was lost, knowing the spirit of this woman, I knew she would fight and desereved every shot at recovery. Dar has shown me, shown family, shown doctors, shown people that don't even no her that miracles do happen, prayers do get answered, faith does exsist, commitment does exsist, perseverence does exsist, and the will to live and recover is stronger than anything else in the world. When its all said and done, when the doctors have done all they can, when man's knowledge is exhausted, there is still one more thing to consider, "ones relationship with God". Dar has always had a strong "relationship", "an immovable faith", " a quiet humble spirit", "a loving and gentle heart", " a beautiful spirit". You will never convince me otherwise that God is not honoring Dar's commitment to "Him", and I know that she still has much work to be done, people to have an impact on, and a blessing and a smile to give to others. "DAR IS RECOVERING". Everyday, moment by moment.

Thank you all, thank you for your prayers, thank you for the cards that are coming in, I told Dar (yesterday) of the scrapbook that is being made for her. A book that we will be able to open the cards together and share the thoughts and prayers of all of you that have supported her in her recovery. I told her yesterday of the "blog" I started back in December that has allowed me to put my thoughts to paper and pen that others accross the country are reading and supporting her in her recovery. I told her that I was excited for the day that we could share together these writings that she would hear and see all the people that love her, support her and have given of themselves to her. I told her I long for the day that she and I can thank each of you personnaly for what you mean to us and what you have done for Dar's Recovery. To see this awesome lady up close and personal.

Dar's responce to the 'Scrapbook" the "blog" was best descibed as this. Picture yourself with your eyes as open wide as you can get them, a huge smile on your face followed by an extreme "o" sound.
That's my Dar, one of a kind, a very, very special lady that I have been blessed to be with and call my friend, my lover, MY WIFE.

Dar's Recovery, because of God, because of your prayers and support and most of all because of Dar's will to recover I humbly ask for your continued prayers and well wishes as we all continue this journey back to life.

Maybe I was successfull in telling you how proud I am of my wife, my friend, MY DAR.

Love you all, stay tuned for more, we have a long way to go.


Post update.

2138 hours

Just received a phone call from Dar’s family. Darlene has started talking with her new trach. Speaking one,two and three syllable words.Such great news and glad her family was there to be part of it.

Can’t wait to get back to Dar on Wednesday to see what new things she might be doing. Good night all
