Sunday, September 27, 2009

"another star, another answered prayer"

Sept 27, 2009
1007 Hours

Dar and sister Diane

Skype photo 09-26-2009

It is my hope that all of you are having a great weekend.

This weekend is the first weekend that I have not been at Dar’s side at least Sat or Sunday since Dar’s accident

Diane came down from Oregon on the Amtrak Friday night and has been having a good time with Dar.

Friday night, representing Diamond Productions, I took 3 of our staff and provided security for the James Otto concert at the Red Bluff fair. The concert was a big hit for those in attendance but somewhat difficult for me as this is something Dar has participated in for the last 4 years. It was hard to look around the audience and know that just a year ago Dar would be working the crowd, helping those that needed it and doing what she does best.

Yesterday I spent the day going through paper work filing and separating an endless stack of insurance papers.

Today, Maverick and I made a quick trip to Walmart and picked up a few things, one of which was a regular phone so that I might diagnosis a phone problem here at home. For some 3 weeks our house line has been ringing busy to those that call. ATT has said that it is somewhere in the house but I have not been able to locate the problem. I guess I may have to break down and have them find the problem. I was really hoping to find it myself.

Well, our trip to the eye specialist was well enjoyed by Dar and Maverick; Dar totally enjoyed the ride in our truck and was glad to get out of the house for a bit.

Dar’s examination revealed that there is nothing wrong with the mechanics of her eyes. There is no damage to the optic nerves; there are no cataracts, and she can very much tell the difference between light and dark. Her pupils dilate; they will also track to the light. In fact, Dar’s eyes are very, very healthy.

The specific reason we find ourselves where we are is solely due to the lack of oxygen to the brain. The doctor also tells me that we have every reason to hope and believe that Dar’s sight “CAN” and may return in time. As the brain continues to heal so can her eyes. I am relieved that there was no physical damage due to her fall. As Dr. Doherty said in the very beginning, this is going to be a marathon not a sprint. “Time”, is Dar’s best friend and sleep her best tool.

Thank you all so much for your prayers on Thursday.

Dennis, PT therapist, told me that during a speech session with Amy on Wednesday Dar scaled another hurdle and grabbed another star. It seems that she now has enough head movement that she can activate a remote speaking tool. This particular test was done with something that would remind you of a “call button” used in hospitals. This button, activated by head pressure would allow Dar to select from pre-loaded phrases that she could use to communicate with staff and family. I do not know the exact particulars of the machine but Dar was able to regularly and upon request activate this “touch pad”. Now Amy is going to see about getting Dar qualified for the machine. This could be a very big step in the healing process for Dar. Very exciting.

Now, keep in mind that we are just a little over a week away from having the “pump” placed and who knows what we may be able to accomplish once Dar’s system gets rid of all the surgery after effects.

I am going to make a prediction. Based on what Dar is already capable of doing with her right leg and left hand, with the “tone” she already has, after the pump is placed I predict this. I believe that these two areas are going to be the first to show much improvement after the pump is placed. I believe that Dar is going to be able to open and close her fingers of the left hand without pain and move her right leg and foot even more than she can now.

If I am correct we may be able to use this speaking tool with her hands and not have the need for Dar to use her head and cheek. Either way, this new finding about the speaking tool is going to be very exciting.

Again I thank you all for your continued prayers and support. I will be calling Dar again this afternoon and through out the week and will keep you all up to date on her progress.

Enjoy your Sunday and the cooler week ahead. We love you all.


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

"October 6th, Pump Placement"

Sept 23, 2009
0536 Hours

Skype Webcam photo last week

Good morning to all,

Last evening while talking to Dar I learned the final details for Dar’s upcoming procedure.

Dar and I will head to Marin General on Monday the 5th and her procedure will be on Tuesday at 10:00 am. We will spend one more night and barring any complications or issues we will return to CareMeridian on Wednesday.

Monday Dr. Duncan from Kentfield evaluated Dar and requested the usual small tests common before surgery. As it turns out Dar has another UTI, Dr Duncan prescribed antibiotics for 7 days and another round of different ones after these have run their course. The second set is preventative and precautionary before and during surgery.

Dr Duncan will also meet with Dr. Dawson the morning of surgery.

As you can well imagine it has been very frustrating as we await the date for Dar’s procedure. Dar in the last few days seems by all accounts to be making some great strides. Her speaking has increased tremendously, although words are not always clear it is very clear that she working very hard to follow what the therapists are asking her to do.

When I speak with her on the Skype she is participating in all conversations and attempting to complete new tasks. Christy told me yesterday that Dar’s vocabulary is changing also. She is using words that she has not used before.

On Monday Christy was working with Dar on the mat in the PT room when I called. We arranged that when Dar returned to her room that I would call again. Shortly after the call I received a call from Dar. She was not in her room; in fact she was in her chair still in the PT room. It turns out she did not want to go back to bed and wanted to stay up.

During our 1-hour call I noticed that Dar appeared not to have her headrest on her chair. The reason I noticed but could not be sure was because Dar kept picking her head up and moving it forward as if she was looking at something on the floor. It so startled me that I thought she was going to fall forward out of her chair. I asked her to put her head back and she did. There was no way for me to see her headrest but I felt better. As we continued to talk Dar again lifted her head this time looking to the left and right and then as before looking at something on the ground. Again she freaked me out. I asked her again to put her head back and she did. Finally Rosa came into the room and turned the light on so that I could see Dar better. I asked Rosa if Dar’s headrest was on her chair and indeed it was. Rosa told me that Dar had been doing this new “feat” for about 3 days.

Folks I have to tell you that this is a huge step!!! Not only does this show that Dar is gaining strength, but it also shows that she is able to do something now that she has not been able to do in almost 9 months. It also shows that Dar can follow a request and process the information being requested of her. The brain is finding pathways of completion to end a requested task. The brain is continuing to heal!!!!!

As Dr. Doherty said the very first day I met her. “Time” is Dar’s best friend and sleep is her best tool.

I find myself like a puppy with a new toy as we approach the date of the procedure. Seeing the things that Dar is able to do “pre” placement only allows me to think of the things she will hopefully be able to do “post” procedure. For all these many months Dar has been “locked” but now we are seeing small, very small changes in her status. These things that we see now before “placement” just give me cause to be “oh” so hopeful that after the procedure we will all be able to “praise” and give thanks for what things Dar may be capable of doing. I will do my best to keep all things in perspective but it is oh so hard.

We are off to see the eye specialist tomorrow at 1:30, Dar is excited about going in the Silverado with me and Maverick. I ask her all the time if she remembers where we are going on Thursday and with her best effort she tells me that we are going to the “eye doctor” even this is a huge accomplishment. It tells us that her short-term memory is getting better, her ability to recall recent events is improving, and equally as important, she is trying to increase her vocabulary. As I said I am like a puppy with a new toy.

These are exciting times and these times could not be realized without the prayers from all of you, without God above, and most of all without the “fight”, “faith” and desire of a very special child of God. Many months ago I told all of you that Dar is the most “selfless” person I know. This little tiny “fireball” is making her way back to all of us. The story she will have, the testimony of faith, hope and love to share to all of us and we with her.

Thank you everyone, please pray “hard” these next couple of weeks, pray for tomorrow, but most of all give thanks that this little angel of God is showing all of us what faith and hope and the power of prayer is really all about.

God bless all of you and from the bottom of my heart, Dar and I love you all.


Sunday, September 20, 2009

Could not have asked for a better day"

September 20, 2009
1554 Hours

The times that everything goes perfectly are such a joy, such sweet, sweet joy.

I could not have asked for nor received a more perfect day than yesterday. Darlene was, as I have not seen her before.

Slow getting started in the morning, in fact a little cautious when it came to realizing it was really me at her bedside at 9:15 in the morning to give her meds.
Being so used to talking to me on the computer phone on a daily basis, Dar was just a little emotional for a few minutes when she finally realized that I was indeed there beside her.

Our morning started off a little slow as I believe it took Dar a little longer to wake up and get to her bright-eyed bushy tail self.

We spent much of the morning out on the porch enjoying the cool breeze and just getting caught up on the events of the week since I had seen her last.

We returned to her room around noon so that she could have her hand splints put on for two hours. Normally this is also a time that Dar takes a little “snooze” so I went to the front room to catch a couple of winks myself. I had not been there very long before Lissa came and told me that Dar was calling for me, yes I said calling for me, by name no less. Something she has never done till this moment.

When I got to her room it was if someone turned her talking switch on. The girl was on fire with words. We talked about our upcoming trip to the eye doctor on Thursday and that we would be taking the Silverado to the doctor.

Dar’s memory recall of recent events and conversations seems to have improved greatly also. Throughout the remainder of the day I would ask her where we were going on Thursday and she would say to the eye doctor. Keep in mind this phrase is 3 syllables, something she has struggled with greatly. Not yesterday, she was spot on, all day.

Dar was even so impressive with her ability to recognize the voices of the staff and put a name with the voice. She knew Lissa as her nurse, Eva, as her assistant and Arthur as another CAN.

It has become very clear that the introduction of the Skype phone calls have become a very important part of Dar’s day.

Even today I have already spoken to Dar once and will be calling again at 5:30. It looks like the afternoons are the best time to catch Dar at her best. Her ability to speak is very good, her personality is infectious and her desire to laugh and be part of whatever might be going on is amazing.
I have to share a cute little story that brought Dar to laughter for more than 30 minutes. Not just a little laugh, a belly-rolling laugh that even took me by surprise.

You remember the silly little joke we all told our kids about Pete and Repeat sitting on the fence and Pete falls off, who is left, Repeat??

I have no idea what made me ask the silly question but when I did, Dar fired back the answer as quick as a gunshot. So, I asked it again, the gun fired again, but this time she started laughing, I think because she knew she had blown me away. We went back and forth and Dar laughed more and more, and every time I asked she laughed harder and harder, so hard that she finally “belched”.

Then the laughter really got going, especially when I asked her if “belch” was related to Pete and Repeat, maybe a cousin or something, You would have thought that Dar had a laugh valve and she turned it all the way up. The little lady was in hysterics, so much so that Lissa and Eva had to find out what was so darn funny. Well, the silly joke was asked again and Belch was on the fence with his cousins and the everyone was almost driven to tears of laughter as Dar found that charismatic personality of hers. It was something again that I can add to my memory book. Totally awesome.

Well as we begin our work week it is our hope that antibiotics will begin on Monday and the “pump” procedure will be 7 days later, thus on the 28th.

We are still trying to get a firm date for an OR Suite at Marin General. Once that is confirmed we can backdate the antibiotics accordingly. We are hoping for Monday the 28th but at least sometime that week. Please continue to pray about this.

I have started to have small talk with Dar about the procedure. Nothing heavy duty, just letting her know that we are going to have a procedure done that may allow her to start moving better and will relieve most of her stiffness and discomfort and possibly help her begin moving her arms and legs when she wants to.

Dar’s attitude has been great, telling me “ok” when we discuss the procedure or going to the eye doctor on Thursday.

Well we hope your weekend was as wonderful as our and to those wives that lost their husbands to the opening day of deer season, I hope you especially enjoyed the peace and quiet.

Have a super week everyone and I will be sure to keep you updated as to the results of our visit to the eye doctor (neuro-opthamoligist) on Thursday.

Love to all,


Thursday, September 17, 2009

"Some Progress Today"

1911 Hours

Well I just got off the phone with Dar. She continues to excell with her vocalizing. I think the phone calls mean a great deal to her. She has such a good and happy spirit.

We spent almost 45 minutes practicing her words and trying new ones. Resting well and very happy Dar continues to reach and grab those stars that you all so faithfully pray for. Thank you so much for your continued support.

I spoke with MaryNella, Dar's nurse and learned that Dr. Duncan from Kentfield Rehab Hospital will be visiting Dar tomorrow or Saturday at the latest. Dr. Duncan will be prescribing the anti-biotics that Dar will take just prior to her procedure.Still not knowing just when the procedure will be, timing is somewhat critical. It is my hope that by Monday we will be headed in a definate direction and have a definitive plan.

At this point I don't really believe Dar's surgery will be next week, but you never know. most likely the following.

On Thursday Dar has an appointment with a neuro optahamologist. I hope by the end of the visit we will have some answers regarding Dar's sight. Please continue your prayers this week. It is still a little uncertain if Dar will go to the appointment by ambulance or if I will take her or we take the Whistle Stop bus for non emergency disabled persons. I will check with our insurance tomorrow and find out. Which ever way it goes I am looking forward to the visit. I am told this doctor is one of the best in the country. I am anxious to learn more.

Well just a short update. I hope you all have a great evening and are looking forward to the weekend. Love to all and again thank you for your prayers and support.


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

"Patience Danny"

0833 hours

Still waiting on the medical professionals to figure our what each other is doing, one says this, the other says that, meantime every day Dar does not have the pump is another day of progress she misses out on. So frustrating, but the last three days... Dar has been talking up a storm, !!!!!!! Patience Danny. Thank God for Skype!!!!!!

Spoke with Dar last night and he ability to vocalize was superb, she even started several talks on her own.

Keep your prayers coming, hopefully Dar's procedure will be soon, I know everyone is anxious.

Talk soon,

Sunday, September 13, 2009

"Still In Holding Pattern"

1830 Hours

Good evening to all of Dar’s supporters, Dar and I hope you are having a great weekend.

Yesterday’s fundraiser for Dar was a great success, Robyn, Joe, and Steve, Tammy, Kim and Terry put on a great yard sale, Lots of visitors, lots of shoppers, and many inquiries as to the lady the “sale” was for. I was amazed at the compassion and support that several of the “shoppers” showed Darlene.

Some “shoppers” shared similar stories, many showed great excitement at Dar’s progress after hearing a bit about her accident. All said that they would hold Dar in their prayers, especially as we move closer to Dar’s surgery.

The day ended with Joe and I heading off to the grocery store to pick up all the goodies to make one of my favorite meals, Portuguese “sopish” (sp), a meal I totally love. Joe did a fantastic job in preparing dinner, and Steve, Tammy, Robyn, Joe and I had a great time reflecting and sharing stories of places and things that Darlene and all of us have done over the years. It was an exhausting day for all, emotional for me, but a day that will not be forgotten and I am so glad that I went and represented Darlene.

We even got to share a Skype phone call to Dar that was cut short due to internet but not before Dar was able to say a huge “hi” to everyone. She so misses all of her friends.

Well today was another day that Dar was able to verbalize very well. I was able to have several conversations with her that she was able to participate in. Still only able to say one or two word phrases Dar continues to fight for her voicing.

It has now been a week since I asked that the staff consider removing Dar’s Foley catheter, my conversation with nurse Lissa last weekend led to the removal of the Foley on Sunday last. Since that time Dar has done very well and this should prove to be a much less painful situation for her. It was put in again back at Kentfield, as a result of Dar not be able to “hold” herself during PT.

During this week Dar is doing very well and “this” staff is more than willing to change Dar as needed and we should see less UTI infections.

We are still in a holding pattern regarding the pump placement. Today I was told that Dr Dawson wants Dar on a 3-day series of antibiotics that are designed to prevent and or protect her during and after surgery. Dr. Duncan from Kentfield will hopefully address this early this week. So, I would imagine and I am being told that surgery probably won’t happen till the first part of next week.

I understand and also support the caution, I still am very anxious to see this procedure get going.

If you think about it, we could very well find ourselves in a totally new and different ball game. Everything, and I do mean everything, has the potential to change. The next couple of weeks are going to be quite exciting and for many of us this could be the beginning of new stars for Darlene to reach out and grab. New hurdles, different goals and most of all, new horizons for Dar.

Insurance is all approved, we are all ready to get started, and Dar and I have been discussing the procedure, now we are just waiting to get the show on the road.

Well, we hope you had a great weekend and as I learn more during the week I will keep you all posted.

Another great weekend for Dar, a great “yard sale”, lots of talking by Dar, I have much to be thankful for. Have a wonderful week everyone, talk soon.


Sunday, September 6, 2009

"Happy Labor Day To All"

1846 Hours

Well, Jamiesue and Brian have just returned from seeing step mom. Very tired and once again with a suspected UTI, Dar slept much or the time they were there. I called once on the computer while they were with Dar and Dar responded verbally to a few questions. Today’s visit for Jamiesue was quite the opposite of my visit yesterday.

Dar, full of all kinds of spunk and vigor. Talked and or laughed most all day. In fact her neighbor next door told me that Dar will sometimes wake him from sleep at 2:00 in the morning with her laughter. Never new she was that much of a night owl.

Dar's therapy sessions with Dennis were nothing short of a rambunctious jazzercise class. Three music videos and lots of stretching and range of motion exercises. Dar laughing thru it all. Follow PT with a 45-minute speech therapy session with Kaylinn and it is no wonder Dar is tired today. Repeating all of her ABC's, counting, and fill in the blank questions were some of the exercises Dar performed with Kaylinn. Yesterday was a day that everything worked in Dar's favor when it came to vocalizing. A great day!!!!

Christy and Jamiesue worked with Dar today in OT therapy and Jamie tells me that Dar has gone from a 90% range with her arms to almost 120% and without extreme pain. That in itself is great news.

Jamiesue jumped in as soon as she arrived and administered meds, bathed and cared for Dar all day. Somewhat sad she did not get to see Dar as I did yesterday, we made up for it when she and Brian returned home to find me on the phone again with Dar. Dar was a bit more expressive this evening and a little more talkative. This made Jamiesue much happier.

Still no word as to when we will have the Baclofen pump placed but I will let all of you know as soon as I learn more. I hope we will have some news Tuesday.

Short note tonight, enjoy your holiday tomorrow and please be safe in all that you do.

Love to all,


Tuesday, September 1, 2009

"Success, Success the Test Was A Success"

This is an email I sent to DR's Doherty, Waters, AnnMarie (CM) and Dar's Distribution List

Hey doctors, AnnMarie.

This email services all of you and Dar's family, so if it sounds a little strange I am taking the best advantage of the internet

Well things are settling down. Dar has reverted back to the status she was when she was admitted, very stiff but still able to work through OT therapy.

I have to say that in my opinion the test results were phenominal. To experiance and see the "tone" before the injection and what it was two hours later can not be described or anything short of amazing.

Chad from Medtronics evaluated Dar just prior to Dr Dawsons arrival. Chad scored Dar in the 4s and 5s throughout her upper and lower extremities.

Within two hours of the injection he was scoring her as low as a 1 in several areas and 2 and 3 in most others. Now mind you I am the excited husband, so please do not hold me to these numbers as exact.

The bottom line is that the test was a total success.!!!!!!!

Dr Dawson returned shortly after noon and it was clear that Dar was reverting back to her "tone" status. At this writing Dar is as she was prior to the injection.

Dr Dawson will return about 6:30 in the morning before leaving for Stanford and his rounds there. He has already started the ball rolling and is officially ordering the Baclofen Pump placement. Time frame for the actual procedure is still foggy at this time but could be as far out as 10 days to two weeks. I so hope we can get it sooner so that we can take advantage of the time we still have left at Caremeridian.

Dar is resting well and will return to CM hopefully mid day tomorrow, I will most likely stay with her throughout the nigh,t I spied a recliner in a hallway earlier, or our truck works too.

I am so proud of Dar and her fight is nothing less than a miracle. Dr. D, Doc Susan, AnnMarie, you all have heard me say it before and you will probably hear it again, thank you, thank you for believing in Dar and giving her every opportunity to find her way back to life.

This trial was HUGE, now we know that we can help her pain and reduce it, now we look forward to seeing her find her way back to function and movement. Thank you all again and to Dar's family and friends, thank you for your support and continued prayers.

Do Susan, was great to see you for a moment today, Dr D I hope your time with your daughter was awesome, AnnMarie, thank you for all that you are doing to get Dar back to CM. I am proud to have all of you stil lleading Dar's Dream Team.

Stay tuned, more info to come as we receive it. Dr. D I look forward to hearing from you soon.
