Tuesday, February 24, 2009

"Hey Yackky, Where is them fish?"

1654 hours
Yep, I've been puttin up with these kinda pranks, jokes and all around funnies for more than 30 years from my very good buddy Elby. Grade school, Jr. High and High School were no exceptions. Still the best of friends and still making each other laugh.Thanks Elby. I told him the other day I ran accross a photo that I thought I might include on the blog. Well, here he is always good for a laugh. Love ya buddy. This was taken last year on the lake bass fishin. Leave it to him to have a disguise in his tackle box.
Well, Sunday did not start off on a very good foot. When Mav and I got to the motel (sat) I must have lowered my window a bit and when I jumped in the truck in the pouring rain on Sunday morning yep, you guessed it, I got soaked to the skin. My seat was absolutley drenched. My backrest was soaked, floormats were soaked the whole nine yards. Thankfully I had a couple of extra britches and a spare jacket to seperate me from the flood.
Well, we got through the day and even decided to leave for home a little earlier than planned due to the rain that fell all day. Decided to get back home in the daylight instead of the late hours I usually get in.
When we left on Sunday, Dar was sleeping peacefully and getting some much needed rest.
Dr. Waters called me today and advised me that Dar started a 5-7 day round of antibiotics for a urinary infection. Thus the reason for the somewhat elevated WBC count.
Dr. Doherty and I will most likely be speaking tomorrow about her plan of attack to ease Dar's muscle pain in her wrists and fingers. I have a general idea of her plan and will give you the jest of it after Dr. D and I have spoken. Please stay tuned.
I hope you all understand that it has become more difficult to gather information now that our "Eyes" have moved to Stanford. I will, to the best of my ability keep you as informed as possible. Even when I call the 3 times a day that I call, I don't get a whole lot of information. I get the basics of how she is doing at that particular time of the day. I usually know the nurse to whom I am talking to but on some occasions I get a new one that does not recognize me as Dar's husband. Lends for scattered conversation at times.
As much as Sunday morning was a bummer, yesterday I started coming down with some nasty cold that is going around. I suffered through work yesterday but came home for a few hours today and took a nap before going back this afternoon. I have to whip this thing before the weekend. Not about to take Dar something she does not need.
My sister Lorrie ran out to the Wally World the other day and picked up 4 more tops for Dar that will allow me to bring 6 new sets of clothes to her on the weekends and do laundry during the week. Saturday I went to the laundra mat and washed her clothes and got her squared away for the week.
By the by, the new outfit that was in the drawer was cute, was that from mom and dad or sister Diane?
Well, again I apologize for the somewhat vague updates but I assure you I will continue to do my best to keep you all up to speed.
Rest assured, Dar is making progress and as I am often times reminded by others and even the doctors, this is going to be a marathon. Very slow, Dar has come a very long way from where she was two months ago, yes I said two months ago yesterday. Dar is a fighter, always has been. Please continue to keep those prayers for her going, in addition pray for her family, mom,dad, Christine/Gary and the boys, Diane and Roger, they are struggling with this new format too. This is hard for all of us.
Well, hopefully I will learn more tomorrow. I will be calling down for my evening check-in shortly, if anything new pops up I will let you all know.
Thank you all for your prayers and support,

Saturday, February 21, 2009

"Something my mom started, Darlene finished"


1500 hours

In Feburary 2005 my mom passed away and through my sister Lorrrie, Darlene was passed the project mom had been working on at the time of her passing. Lorrie felt that she did not have the skills to take on such a monumental task.Well Darlene set out to complete mom's project with a fury that is only Darlene. She basically worked on this tapestry non stop. Virtually every waking spare moment she had Dar was working on this elegant creation. The extrordinary part of this story is that Dar only had a picture and the material to complete the project. No guide, no stitch guide to follow, only a picture and a template of what mom had already completed. I am not even really sure how long Dar worked on this but I am sure Lorrie will let me know. I do know this, Dar worked countless hours, days, weeks and if memory serves months to complete mom's creation. When all was said and done it turned out to be a masterpiece.

This is just a small example of how creative Dar is. Even when we were out in the boat, I would be in front fishing and she was in the back on the pedestal chair painting, knitting or doing some kind of stitchery. Totally having fun, enjoying what she was doing and watching me catch bass. Of course Mr. Awesome was always along for the ride.

Quite the creator of beauty and always thinking of others.

Well some good news tonight, Darlene has gained 13 lbs since she arrived at Kentfield. I was totally happy to hear that piece of good news.

Today during her therapy she was sitting on the edge of the bed totally supporting her head and using her neck muscles very well. When I came in the room this morning she was wide awake and when I said good morning to her she put a big smile on. She was glad to see me and it showed. The nurses got her dressed and we went outside with her new quilt for a little while. I think she enjoyed the fresh air. We went back into the lobby for awhile before her second round of therapy.

As Dar regains her muscle tone one of the things that I have noticed is that she has some definate pain in certain plases. Wrists, hands, fingers and legs are the most visible. Dr. Doherty has a plan of attack that she will be sharing with me in the next day or two. In the meantime the nurses give her a little bit of pain medication so that Dar can relax and sleep.

Dr. Waters told me that she noticed something the other day that Dar had not done before. When Dr. Waters tickled the bottoms of Dar's feet, she would pull them away very aggresivley. Doc was excited about that.

I am really glad that Dar is back in Unit 1. All of the nursing staff in that unit are very good to her and look after her very well. Last night Diana said it was about time to rotate out the Kenny G. music and put in some country. I took another Ipod with country music on it for the daytime and then they can switch when it is time to go to sleep.

I have not seen Dar since last Friday and I was very impressed with the progresss she has made. I just wish she did not hurt so much when it comes to her muscles. I know that the doctors will be addressing this soon.
Well I am going to turn in and see about getting some sleep, the rains are supposed to hit pretty hard here tonight and I do not cherish the drive home in the pouring rain at night so I will probably leave about 3:00 pm tomorrow. At least get back to familiar roads while it is still daylight. Hopefully I will be able to write from the hospital tomorrow. Today it just did not work out. Sleep well my friends, please pray that Dar's muscular discomfort will subside and the pain will leave, giving her the ability to not only rest but to regain strength naturally.
God bless you all, good night everyone,

Thursday, February 19, 2009

" A Very Special Thank You"

1853 hours
I would like to say a very special thank you to Rosa Gomez, wife of fellow co-worker Mike Gomez at Walmart.
Rosa, Darlene will love the blanket and especially as she will know the hours you spent making it for her. I will be taking it to her Saturday morning. Words are never enough at a time like this but just know that we appreciate all of your time and certainly the love that went into this very special gift. You are truely one of our "Angels". Mike you have a special wife and I thank you also for yours and your churches prayers during this very difficult time in our family. God bless you all.
Dennis/Darci thank you for the card that now begins our scrapbook for Dar. Again I would also like to thank you both for the awesome phone you so graciously gave me that has proved already to be such an invaluable tool in my efforts to stay in touch with Dar's medical team and also you the readers and supporters of Dar's Recovery.
I hopefully will have more news this evening to pass on but if I don't I will post in the morning. Just wanted to take a moment to thank Rosa and Mike Gomez. We love ya
0411 hours
Spoke with Dr. Doherty last night late by way of email.
Dar has a slightly elevated white count so Dr. D is going to run a few test and rule out any problems. Errorring on the side of caution, better to be safe than........ you know the rest. I will be talking again to Dr. Doherty this afternoon.
Prior to talking to Dr. D I spoke with Diana, Dar's swing shift nurse and she told me that she was able to spend some time talking to Dar and looking at pictures of Maverick. Diana said that Dar would smile and follow right along.
Stewart called on the phone last night as well and says Tosha continues to take small steps just like Dar. Stu says he is going to take the long way around to Palo Alto (stanford) on Saturday and stop by and see Dar/Maverick and I at Kentfield. Super neat family. I will look forward to seeing him.
Well, gotta go to the grocery store this morning before work, at least I need to go I might just stay in and drink coffee. Talk to you all soon, later today, tonight, maybe from the hospital tomorrow morning. Keep those prayers coming, and remember "We love you all".
Thanks again Rosa, Mike, Dennis, Darci
Love Ya,

"Wages Creek Honeymoon, Linda and Dar"

0430 hours.
Well, since loosing our Angel Eyes it has been a little more difficult to get reports of Dar's progress.
I can tell you that I call 3 times a day and check on her. So far when I call she is resting peacefully. Last night when I called I learned that she had been moved but yet again.
After Dar's folks and sister left I received a call on Monday that they were going to move Dar's room. Ok, no big deal, I knew her nurses and was ok with the move, well, last night after being on hold for what seemed to be an eternity I learned that Dar had been moved from Unit 2 room 306a back to Unit 1, room 211 A. This time I did not receive a call. So, as you can well imagine I will be finding out what the reasons are this morning.
Tosha is doing very well, her mom and dad and I stay in touch everyday. Tosha got her speaking valve yesterday and got to talk to mom for 45 minutes and dad later on that evening befor dropping off to sleep. Stu and Carol are just totally excited to hear Tosha' s voice. Since Stanford is a teaching hospital, Tosha has a team of 4 doctors working on her behalf. Mom and dad are very happy and Tosha is receiving lots of attention. She too was moved again yesterday closer to her medical team.
Oh, Dr. Doherty is going to email me when she knows the direction they will pursue regarding Dar's successful completion of the last dye test. I look forward to see what direction they are going to go. Maybe that has something to do with the move, we will see.
I will keep you posted as the day progress and I learn more info.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

" Ranger Mav" "This is just tooooo much fun"

0431 hours
Well, dad found out last night that Dar's family all got home safely. I guess Diane had some interesting things happen on the train, but dad will have to get more details.
Dar's mom and dad hit lots of rain but made it safely to sister Christine's without incident.
Dad talked to moms folks and Christine just before we went to bed last night and they said they had a good time with mom and that she was definatley better than she was the last time they saw her. Diane told dad the same thing the night before on the phone. Diane was excited that mom remembers something that happend between the two of them 12 years ago. Mom smiled at Diane during the story.
If you have been following the posts and check out the comment section you have learned that mom "did" pass her last and very important blue dye test. The last test is the overnighter and mom had to pass it. Now the doctors will meet probably today and begin to discuss stuff related to moms sleep apniea and equipment that might be needed as they ween mom off the trach. Dad has already made some calls to some Lincare company.
Mom got moved yesterday since Tosha left and the room they shared was a dyalisis room they moved mom cuz they were bringing in a new patient. Dad new this might happen if Tosha were to go back to Stanford so he was not too surprized. Dad did find out that he has worked with moms day/swing shift nurses, Maritess and Geesha, so that made him feel better. Dad calls the hospital everyday 3 times a day, once during each shift. Dad called a little bit ago and moms graveyard nurse, Diane, was busy. Dad will call back shortly.
Dad just talked to Diane, moms graveyard nurse and she told dad that they just changed mom and repositioned her. and mom has been sleeping fitfully. Now dad knows all the nurses names and he has told them that he will call during each of the shifts during the week until he returns on the weekends.
Dad continues to talk to Carol, Stewart and Tosha, in fact 3-4-5 times a day. Tosha is doing well and both mom and dad took a little time over the weekend to get some much needed rest.Tosha's mom and dad were both off work Sun/Mon.
Well, you know it will be different now that we don't have our "angel eyes" looking over Dar but dad will continue to keep you posted as best he can. Dad will find a way to have information to share with you all. He's good at that.
Well everyone please keep those prayers going and comment if you like to the blog and please please remember, we love you all for all of your support and prayers. Barkatcha ya'all later, paws for now.
"The Awesome One, Maverick"

Sunday, February 15, 2009

" Request from Lorrie and Jerry"

1915 hours
Dear Friends and Family, to specifically include Stuart, Carol, Tasha and Sue, as well as Dr. Debra Doherty, Dr. Susan Waters:

Hopefully Dan can figure out how to post this to the blog....Jerry and I (Lorrie) would like to take this time to Thank EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU, as well as all those around us who take a moment out of each day to say a little prayer! Jamie and Brian, where would one start? Yet another miracle and so timely!

Last night we got the courage to watch the movie "Pay it Forward" Little did we know the parallels that would impact us. One small child trying to help three people, and those three had to help three more, etc, etc. Sure there are some failures and futility in those attempts, but this child strived to make a difference.

Looking back from the beginning of this tradgedy, it has been blessed with so many who give of time and prayers. When times seem to be at their bleakest, something great happens.

We were very sad to lose our Tasha family, they were our eyes and ears during the week and they still are continuing to check in with Dan. I know at some point in time we will all meet. They have a very special girl who is where she needs to be now and we will continue to pray for her full recovery. They are family to us, united by a tragedy in their lives as in ours, but we held each other up, with faith and love~

I'm not really sure how it "all began" with Dan and Dar...but she is the best thing that ever happened to him. His dedication to her is unwavering, many would have might have made other choices, but not Dan, he knew, despite her petite frame, is a fighter and survivor, she's fought more battles in her short life than anyone should have to, but more important is she won those battles, with Dan by her side and those of us who really know her. She's a dignified stoic young gal, not easily opening to many, but we had some quiet "girl" time. Dan has not and will not ask for anything, I wish he would so we could know what more we could do. I would love a scrap book of cards from well wishers. When she wakes totally and wonders where these weeks have gone, she will know that there were so many who prayed and read to keep up on daily accomplishments or days when nothing happened. The separation factor is huge for Dan, they did everything together, the three of them, yep, Maverick. They worked together, played (hard) together. Best buds.

After reading this, it would be our hope for 2 things, rent the movie, and do something "nice" for someone. Someone who is in hardship, some stranger you don't know, then ask them to do the same.

If you care to send a card, you may do so at Dan Mardilla, for Darlene c/o 406 Black Oak Dr. Chico, California. They will be safely tucked into an album for her to review at a later date. Forever in your debt. Thank you, you brilliant doctors, you are truly a credit to your profession, one I have been in 35+ years! However this is a new system problem for me, for which I know little of.

God Bless and Keep you all!

Jerry and Lorrie

" Happy Valentines Day to everyone"

0735 hours
Good morning everyone. Darlene and I would like to take this opportunity to say that we hope you had a wonderful Valentines Day and are enjoying this very wet and windy weather. Darlene and I celebrated Valentines Day on Friday as I returned back to the house late.
Dar's mom and dad arrived late in the afternoon on Friday and Diane was expected to be in on Amtrak on Saturday morning. The rooms are rather small so I took advantage of the long weekend to come back late on Friday and pay bills and run errands over the weekend.
Dar had a great day on Friday and we spent a couple of hours in the lobby talking and laughing and watching the weather change from sun to rain. Dar was in great spirits and enjoyed the time greatly. She worked hard in all of her therapy sessions and was really tired by the time her mom and dad arrived.
Mid afternoon I put Dar's speaking cap on and we worked with her on her sounds and how they might relate to yes and no. She was really, really tired and experiencing some discomfort because her muscle tone is returning and they work her pretty hard through the day. So, instead some yes/no sounds we got to hear how much Dar can tell us that she is in pain. Man, that girls has got a set of lungs, she was making it pretty darn clear that she was not happy. I had the nurse give her a little medication to ease the pain.
Late Friday evening Dr. Doherty came to see Dar and we chatted about her progress. Dr. D. is very pleased with what she is seeing. She even had me work with Dar on some responce questions that Dar answered very well. The responces were simple but excited Dr. D that Dar was responding to questions with her eyes and "focalizing" when asked.
We talked about her medication and Dr. D reminded me that we want Dar to relax and heal and she will have an easier time of doing that if she is not in pain. Dar has her way of communicating with us. It is with facial expressions as we have talked and shared with you before. Once Dar's "tells", (changing/reposition), have been eliminated it would probably be a good bet that she might be experiencing some pain, so, give her a little something so she can rest. Perfectly acceptable. A good thing.
I left about 9:00 pm on Friday to return home with Mav.
Saturday, mom/dad and Diane spent the day with Dar and Diane was so gracious to braid Dar's hair again. Sue Gillen and I washed and conditioned Dar's hair on Friday afternoon and Dar's mom and I brushed it out through the evening to let it dry.
Diane and mom, and maybe even dad (not sure), trimmed fingernails, toenails and continued the lavender creams on Dar's hands, legs and arms. Spoke briefly with Diane and she said Dar smiled much of the day but did not laugh a whole lot. Diane tells me that she had a good time with her sister. I am thankful they are having this time with Dar.
I recieved some exciting news regarding Tosha late in the afternoon. Carol texted me that Tosha was being transferred back to Stanford wher she started some 30 plus days ago. Was a total surprise to mom and dad and kinda caught them off-guard. Stewart texted me about 9:30 that they were finally on their way.
Well, you have probably figured out already how hard this hit when I learned this. So so happy for Tosha and her folks but so so so sad to loose our Gaurdian Angels for Dar. I know that God has already started finding our "new angel/angels" and maybe our "angels" will be in a different form, might be just some good quiet time and sleep time for Dar is what the doctor ordered. Doc. D explained to me again last night after I emailed her that sleep again is Dar's best tool., especially at night, Dar needs to get good rest at night, especially after working so hard during the day. Doc D suggested that if I am up around mid-nite or 5:00 am I might call the nurses station and ask Dar's nurse to look in on Dar and check to see if she is resting well. Also allow me to relax a bit too.
Doc D continues to suggest that I keep my visits to the weekends until Dar is really needing me there more.
Dar' s muscle tone and body support continue to improve and when she is ready and needs me there more regularly you can bet I will be there.
We are so happy and proud of Tosha and it hurts so much to loose those eyes and ears for Dar, but we have made a new family and this new family will continue to grow in frienship and love for one another. Stewart has already told me that he will be calling over there to check on Dar. All of us will stay in touch, "texting" will still continue as it has, nights/weekends/days, emails will fly to home computers, phone calls will continue. There is just going to be a little distance between folks that have grown to care and respect one another. Kinda like the distance between Dar and I and all of you. I know that this is/will be/ going to be hard for you folks too. I may not have my connection at the hospital that will allow me to keep you as informed as you have been. It is very hard to get "good info" over the phone. It is even hard to get through to the Nurses station during the day, probably why Doc D,. suggested midnight/5:00 am.
I am sure things will work out, work the way they are supposed to and weekends will become very important to me and I'm sure you also.
I am not worried in the least about the Stewart's and Mardilla friendship, we are bonded and connected for life. Just like so many of you, so many I don't even know, have not met, hope to meet, look forward to meeting we are all bonded together by one thing.
Darlene and her love for all. Her faith that is so strong and so selfliss, just as she is, that thinks of others long before she will think of herself. Her fabulous personality, a personality and happines that does not need the ability to speak words. A stature that is tall but yet so tiny, a beauty that is best shown by her inner strength, complimented by her outer beauty.
Yea, I'm pretty damn proud of my best friend, pretty damn proud to be her husband, pretty damn proud to be a part of her "life". I love you Darlene, Happy Valentines Day. Happy Valentines Day to all of our friends, new friends, family and new family. Darlene and I love you all.
Gotta go, keyboard is getting soaked. Post later as I learn more through the day.
Words don't get it done everyone, Thank you all I love you
Danny Mardilla
1200 hours
Just called the hospital, no word yet as to whether Dar passed her overnight blue dye test. I have requested that Dar try to be moved near the window, where Tosha was. Sliding window, sunshine, view of the outdoors, could be good for Dar. Keep you posted.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

" This travel'in is hard on the body, 4 both of us"

1323 hours
Well, dad and I are at the hospital, got here bout 9:00. Traffic was not to bad at all. I just love getting dad to stop so I can take care of business or just because I like to bug him with my whimper. I got mom and dad so tied around my paw. Sometimes I whimper just cuz I know it bugs him. At night though I am just as quite as a mouse, even I have'nt figured that one out.
Well dad got a text message from Stewart last night about 8:30 or so and said that Dr. Doherty was examining mom. Dad texted back and asked Stu to learn what he could. Stu replied that the curtains were drawn and he could not hear too much.
Dad got the idea to email Dr. Doherty and tell her that he was texting the Gaurdian Angels as she was examining mom. He asked the doctor how mom was doing and if moms hair met expectations. Dad really did not think he would hear from the doctor but would'nt you know it Doctor Doherty replied back about 10:00.
Doc said that Dars hair was perfect and really cute. In fact here is her note back to dad
hi. hair looks great.i will see you on thursday. dar's neurologic exam looked better today - she was more responsive with better eye control to look to her left. we'll keep doing what we are doing. dr. d
Dad really felt good about this, went to bed right after.
Dad told me that when he got here this morning mom was asleep in her chair and was ready for physical therapy. He told me that when he told mom that he was there mom was startled and woke right up and when dad asked for a smile she gave it to him. He said that she even stuck her tongue out at him and gave him a little pucker for a kiss, keep in mind dad did not ask for one but I think mom has heard it so much she did it on her own.
Dad also got to put moms speaking cap on and mom heard her voice and dad even made her belly laugh. Linda, the speech therapist asked dad if he would consider allowing mom to be a teaching aide for her remote class that she teaches at San Fransico State on Thursdays. Not many people get asked to do this Linda told dad and only the special patients are considered. I think dad was pretty proud of mom and the impression she has made on everyone here. Linda is very pleased with Dar's progress and loves to hear mom laugh. She has even combined a couple of the jokes that make mom laugh and boy o boy you should see mom laugh. It is fun to watch.
Mom was with her speaking cap with dad right by her side for about an hour, oxygen saturation was perfect. It is a little stressful on dad but he is getting used to it, it is really nice to hear mom again and listen to her imatate sounds and laugh.
Oh, I almost forgot, mom is scheduled to have her third blue dye tet tonight, so please say your prayers b 4 bed that mom passes and she can have ice cream like her roomy Tosha. yep Tosha pased her last test the other day and gets to have ice cream as desired. Pretty cool huh. Kinda like after you got your tonsils out. I really want mom to pass this test. Please say your prayers tonight.
Mom has really made some good progress, supporting her head some, dad saw her move her left arm several times today, she coughs real good with the speaking cap on, could be processing some requests for actions. All really good stuff.
Mom's sister and mom and dad are coming in this weekend starting tomorrow and dad has decided to head back home tomorrow night after moms parents get here. Dad said he is going to ask moms sister to trim,cut and beautify moms nails. They are really getting long. Sue from the Day Salon said she was going to try to get here Friday as well and "dry shampoo" moms hair. Sue was really great to come and take care of moms hair. I owe her a big sloppy lick, (its ok, she is a dog lover"), you know she will love Mr. Awesome.
Well dad tells me that he needs to get back and check on mom to see if she is still asleep and/or if she needs anything. Dad said to tell everyone that he will try to write to you all once we get to the motel.
Well thats it for now, Paws to all of you and thanks for helping and encouraging dad, remember you can always leave a note for him at the bottom of each post.
Bark atcha all later,
2040 hours
Well dad and I just got to our room and I got my treat and my medication.
Overheard dad talking to aunt lorrie about how proud he was of mom and the progress that she has made in the last few days. He told lorrie and Jerry that he thought mom was going to pop up and slapp him silly. He told them that mom was very animated and happy this afternoon. All of her therapists are excited about her progress. I know dad misses mom a whole bunch but he smiles just a little bit more when mom has a really good day.
As I have told you all be 4 I do my best to make him smile but I know he really misses mom, heck I miss all our trips to the Post Office and to the Wally World. Dad won't let me wow the girls in other cars like mom does. She thinks its really funny when I flirt with the other lady drivers. Oooooopppps better watch my rep
Well folks, bark atcha all tomorrow, probably during the day. I think dad may leave here to late to post tomorrow night. Thanks again to everyone ..
Mister Maverick/Mom/Dad

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

"Dar's ponytail, donated to "Locks for Love"

0542 hours
Yesterday Sue Gillen, owner of Sue Gillen's Salon and Day Spa and a former patient of Kentfield Rehab Hospital graciously cut and styled Dar's hair.
Eleven months ago Sue had a non malignant brain tumor removed and did her rehab at Kentfield. When I met Sue and she told me her story it was another examples of the miracles and success at Kentfield.
When contacted by my sister Sue volunteered to "pay it forward" and cut and style Dar's at no charge. Another small miracle in Dar's Recovery.
I have not talked to Sue as yet but Stewart tells me by way of "texting" that Dar still has two small ponytails. As I said before Dar's hair was donated to Locks for Love with the exception of a small piece wrapped in ribbon for me.
I think it would be great that if you feel so inclined that a short email to Sue, suegillen2@comcast.net, would be a great way for us to thank her for her gracious act. Sue does not know Dar, she did not know me until recently and was still gracious enough to "give " of her time to someone in need.
Isn't this truely what being "free" is all about. With all the troubles we all face everyday there are still those (angels) willing and able to step up and forward for the sake of those in need. To help the those they don't even know just because they care and maybe just maybe they want to "pay it forward".
Thank you Sue, you are truely an angel, as are so many following Dar's Recovery, thank you all.
A short note to Sue, maybe a visit if you are in the area, maybe just a short prayer of thanks to the man upstairs for this special person that was given another chance at life and wants to pass it on and live life to the fullest. Again Sue, thank you, I will be in touch. Live life to the fullest.
I will post again tonight as I learn more of Dar's new doo.
Have a wonderfull day everyone

Monday, February 9, 2009

" Whoever said our family is not artistic" Lorrie's Jerry

1753 hours
For those of you who may have been wondering about Lorrie's husband. Everyone meet Jerry, the breakfast cook with a little artistic flash. Loves to cook breakfast and loves to take that trailer camping,.
Thanks Jerry for all you have put up with from me and the lack of sleep that I know you too suffer. Love ya bro
For those following on a daily bais I posted again tonight on this mornings blog, check it out.
Good night everyone, Jerry thanks again for being there and taking care of sister. Your a "peach", inside joke folks.

"can't beat being surrounded by good friends"

0350 hours
Got home last evening to tired to sit at the computer, Fed Maverick , picked up around the house and went to bed.
This morning I thought I would do something a little different.
Over the week end I emaild Dr. Doherty a couple of times, I thought you might find it interesting to read the following emails between us.
Written Saturday fron the motel

Thank you so much for bolstering my spirits today. really felt encouraged after our talk.
Darlene has an appointment Tuesday for a haircut, in fact her hairdresser is a former outpatient of the hospital. Sue Gillen, owns a shop down the street.

Hair will be donated to Locks for Love.

She tells me of a book about you and a former patient of yours, I look forward to reading it.
As a footnote and something I noticed while combing Dar's hair. She seemed to be wanting and succeeding at supporting her head somewhat. Not long but it had some strength to it, it was not totally without tone.She was trying, maybe you folks have been seeing this too.

She laughed the whole time we worked on her hair and was a great sport.
Her appointment is at 2:45 on Tuesday.

Thanks again Dr. Doherty we all love ya
Danny Mardilla and all those who love Dar
Dr. Doherty response
we are indeed also starting to see just a bit of the head support. i think having dar hold her head as best as she can is great practice. there have been 2 or 3 books written about the krsh . one of the best was written by lewis richmond. i am blanking on the name of the book, but my secretary can help you.your new assignment is brushing dar's beautiful hair when you visit - while she is sitting in the wheelchair. you will be our newest marin county stylist, monsieur danni! take care and enjoy the weekend.dr. d
I thought it was very cool that Dr Doherty responded to my emails, in fact she has always responded to my questions and observations, and welcomed me to email. Pretty special lady.
The name of the book I am referring to is "Raising Lazaruth", a story from a former patient at Kentfield and Dr. Doherty's involvement. Check it out, I am,
Well I will post again tonight after work, eye doctor appointment in Chico this am, more fact finding in Chicoand back out to school for the remainder of the day.
Have a great day everyone, talk to you tonight.
1749 hours
Day was a day of accomplisments, my fact finding mission was a success, my eye doctor appointment was a breeze, I wear mono vision contact and my Dr. is amazed at how well I do. Ordered up another round of lenses and we are good to go for another year.
When I got back to campus I "texted" Tosha's mom Carol to find out how the girls were. She texted me back that they had just gotten Dar back into bed from therapy and she was happy to be back. Carol tells me that the therapists said that Dar had a "GOOD DAY" in therapy.
My new gift from Dennis and Darci has already proven to be a blessing, I have reception at the campus where normally everyone has to hunt for a signal. NOT ME, this new Blackberry has all the bells and whistles. It is absolutly amazing, it was so nice to take a little lunch break and find out how the girls were doing. Made my day a whole lot brighter.
Sister Lorrie dropped off a care package in my truck while I was getting my eyes checked, some dinners I can prepare easily. You have to understand folks that since Dar and I have been married she has yet to cook for me, deserts now and again but I do all the cooking, I LOVE TO COOK, Dar loves it too. Well you can imagine since this has started I have not had the desire or really the time to do any serious cooking. Time will come when that returns.
Lorrie also dropped off a cute little stuffed "bear" for Tosha, it seems that one of hers ended up with Dar. This happened Sat, so the new bear will put a smile on Tosha"s face. I am going to text her shortly and tell her I have a present for her.
Stewart and I went to Longs yesterday and I had to replace Dar's docking station for her Ipod, she has been using our Bose station but for some reason it won't charge the Ipod. Picke dher up a little Ihome station and it seems to be working just fine, much smaller than the Bose but the sound is ok. Dar likes to sleep with her music on at night. I brought the Bose home with me to run some tests with Dar's Ipod, maybe my battery in my "pod" needs to be replaced.
Has anyone found the book "Raising Lazaruth" as yet, let me know if you do.
Well now that I have my new "high tech toy" it will be easier to get the play by play during the day with Carol on scene and the night action with Stewart, I am kinda stoked about this new ability to stay in touch.
Don't forget that Dar gets her hair cut tomorrow at 2:45, pray that Sue has a good time with Dar and smiles a time or two for Sue. Sue's shop is Sue Gillens Salon and Day Spa on Sir Francis Drake Blvd in Kentfield.
Sue, if you start reading this blog, welcome to the Dream Team, man this team is getting big, oh well, let it get as big as it wants.
Folks I have said it before and I will say it again, thank you from the bottom of my heart for all that you have done and the support that you have shown and the miracle that so many of you have had a part in.
This is what "paying it forward" is all about, I know that somewhere sometime I will be given the chance to "pay it forward" to someone or somebodies. Thank you everyone for all that you have done and for the great things to come.
Getting done early and tonight has been a night that it was not hard to write, probably rambled too much, oh well, feel pretty good today.
I love you all, please keep those prayers coming.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

"Lots of news today"

1800 hours
So much news today, good news and some sad news.
First the little bit of sad news. This morning Dr. Doherty was the on call doctor. So as you can imagine I got to talk with her at great length.
The little bit of sad news is that the doctor would like me to have Dar's hair shortened. It has become very matted and staff does not have the time to deal with it.
Therefore Dar's hair will be shortened to about shoulder length. I will make a donation to "Locks for Love" in Dar's name. This is a small price to pay in her recovery. Hair will grow and she can gladly kick my ______ later. I will smile forever.
A miracle also happened in this matter also. My sister, Lorrie made some calls in the area and found a local shop owner, Sue Gillen, shop name to follow tomorrow, was a former patient of kentfield and has volunteered her services to Dar free of charge. This was a very gracious gesture from a very special lady that has been where Dar is and is living life to the fullest. Sue has exchanged addresses with my sister and will now be following Dar's blog. Tomorrow I will give you the name of her shop and all particulars. Halleluia to the newest member of Dar's Dream Team.
Ok, more about that tomorrow, while talking to Dr. Doherty as you can well guess my first question to her was "how is our girl doing", Dr. Doherty said that progress is being made slowly and that even in the last few days since my last trip Wednesday Dar has shown progress. Dr reminded me that this will be a slow process. a very slow process, and if you remember and I was reminded by Dr. Doherty, the longer Dar takes the better the results will be. Soooooo, when asked if she was still positive, Dr. Doherty said and I quote, "absolutley, then showed two thumbs up". That is some cool and great news.
I should also take a moment to qualify something I said earlier about what therapists would like to see. When I said that Dar was limp like a noodle, that is a good thing, it gives muscle tone a chance to come back naturally, the opposite of this which we don't want to see is very rigid and constricted. This being said Dar is in a very good place, in fact while Carol and I were combing out Dar's hair tonight I noticed that she would hold her head up by herself for a short time. This was very exciting, she evidently started doing this since Wednesday. I was supporting Dar's head while Carol combed, Dar laughed the whole time we worked on her hair.
Dar was very tired today and was up in her chair for over three hours so when we got her back to bed I decided to leave get my room, take care of the dog and do some writing.
One of the tasks tohight was to download a program to my computer that allows me to use my new Blackberry as a modem for the internet. Sooooo, tomorrow while I am at the hospital I can continue writing to you all. I am going to relax a bit and go to bed shortly but I wanted to take a minutseto drop you all a short note.
Again my thanks to Lorrie and Jerry, Dennis and Darci, Sue Gillen, Carol, Stewart, Latosha, for all that they have done today and being small little tools and angels that God is using in Dar's recovery.
I am going to close tonight with this, Dr Doerty is absolutley positive, this will be a very long road, and most importantly, this " THE LONGER DAR TAKES TO RECOVER THE MORE POSITIVE THE RESULTS", please rember this and keep it to heart, I must be honest, I lost sight of that for but a brief moment. I wanted what we all want, immediate results,,,,,, not this time folks, prepare for a marathon, not a sprint. Talk to you all tomorrow from the hospital.

We love each and every one of you, God bless you all


Thursday, February 5, 2009

"special request from me....MAVERICK"


0325 hours


Yep that's me "Mr Awesome Dawg"

This note is an addendum to my dad's notations and updates that he provides everyone who reads my moms "Blog" Sometimes, I watch my "Dad" diligently writing, it's hard to watch him sometimes, he gets sad and is hurting. Sometimes he wonders if people are still reading about mom, he doesn't get too many comments. Did you know you can comment at the end of each blog? I would like to see my Dad smile, when he gets a message from all of you who are praying and reading. You don't have to write much, just a little something. It's hard for us to be alone and away from "mum". We miss her, but know she is well cared for. I enjoy going along to see her. Would you make my Dad happy and write a little something??It would mean alot to all of us.

Love to all and thank you for your prayers,

Maverick and Lorrie and Jerry

A very special thank you this morning to Dennis and Darci, They have graciously hooked dad up with a new phone that will keep all his appointments in order, give him the ability to use a keyboard to text the "Gaurdian Angels",it is too funny to watch him with his little phone, but most important he can talk anytime he wants for as long as he needs to. Dads last cell bill was out of this world and Dennis and Darci stepped up and helped dad out in a big , big way.

So to Dennis and Darci, the newest members of Dar's Dream Team, I, Awesome Dawg, also known as Maverick say welcome and thank you for caring. Mom I am sure would want to thank you for looking out for dad. Thanks guys we love you.

"You can certainly tell who came in second"

0530 hours
Several things to let you know about but unfortunatley time is running short this morning. I havve to pick up one of the school busses at the shop and then head out to school.
I left at about 0300 hours yesterday morning and returned about 1900 hours last night. A very quick trip yesterday but it was well worth it as I was able to be in on all therapy sessions and got to see first hand Dar's progress and in some cases lack of or very small progress in other areas. I can tell you all about them later on today.
I was exhausted last night when I got in and just went to bed, I will give the full details this evening after work while I do Dar's wash and get things ready to go back down this weekend. Talk to you all real soon, like after work, OKAY, everyone have a great day.
1730 hours,
Where was I. Yestyerday was quite the day, I was able to participate in all of Dar's therapy sessions. First was ocupational therapy where they work on specific tasks related to everyday living. Lots of information. Then came physical therapy, this is where we need lots of prayer and some small miracles.
As we already know Dar's brain is processing information. We now have to begin seeing some purposeful movements, there is that phrase again, PURPOSEFUL, we need Dar to begin to follow some simple requests. Open the eyes when asked, move one finger for yes, two for no, move your right hand, things like this. These simple little tasks have a great deal with the length of her stay at Kentfield. We need to also begin to see muscle tone return to her body. At this time there is none, she is as limber as a noodle, not able to support herself in any way. I realize these things all take time but it would go along way to her recovery and ability to communicate with us if we started seeing some of these things soon. There in lies the prayer request, pray specifically for PURPOSEFULL movement, movement upon request, movements that begin to build muscle tone. Nothing wrong with asking for the specifics.
When it came time for speech therapy, it was all about what I could now do with Dar when I am there. The head of speech therapy showed me how to put the "speaking cap" on Dar's trach tube, thus allowing her to communicate if so she desires and to hear her own sounds. She did very well earlier in the week but had a little discomfort when I was with her, so we did not work very long. The reason we can now begin this step is because she has passed 2 of the dye tests. The third one (an overnighter) was requested but as of last check with the Angels it had not been done today. She is protecting her airway so therfor we can use the cap. It was very unsetteling at first but I think as time goes by I will get used to the procedure. You have to absoultley follow certain steps and you can't leave her alone while she has the cap on. I will ask for a refresher course again this Saturday before capping her tube. What was exciting was that first off she has passed two of the three test and also that she would make the same type of sound that the therapists were asking her to make. Kind of like vocal scales for singers. She did really well and her therapist is excited.
I am doing Dar's laundry in preparation for this weekend and hope to get to bed early tonight. I will be texting the Angels to see how the girls are doing tonight, earlier Carol said they were doing fine and missing the "smooth music", for some reason the Ipod gave up the ghost early in the week but I have reconciled the problem and we are good to go again.
Tosha had dyalisis yesterday and boy oh boy what an ordeal for her, she comes through like a troopper but is really really tired at the end, she slept alot yesterday afternoon. Stewart had both the girls tv's on after he arrived about 5:30 ish. Seems like Dar gets quite active when the set is on.
Please continue to pray for the girls, pray for Tosha's mom and dad, they both work and commute to Kentfield every day to be with their daughter, they are so commited to Tosha.
Well I will save some for tomorrows post and will be cheking in with Stewart in a few minutes. Thank you my dear friends for your prayers and support. Rest well all
This note is an addendum to my dad's notations and updates that he provides everyone who reads my moms "Blog" Sometimes, I watch my "Dad" diligently writing, it's hard to watch him sometimes, he gets sad and is hurting. Sometimes he wonders if people are still reading about mom, he doesn't get too many comments. Did you know you can comment at the end of each blog? I would like to see my Dad smile, when he gets a message from all of you who are praying and reading. You don't have to write much, just a little something. It's hard for us to be alone and away from "mum". We miss her, but know she is well cared for. I enjoy going along to see her. Would you make my Dad happy and write a little something??It would mean alot to all of us.

Love to all and thank you for your prayers,

Maverick and Lorrie and Jerry

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

"This is the Life" Rocky Point Lake Almanor

0500 hours

Darlene did well yesterday, I was in contact with the "angels" throughout the day. Both Tosha and Dar had good days.

Dar passed "blue dye" test number two I have been told.
With that I will get her equipment ready to take with me tomorrow when I go. I will return home late tomorrow night.

Still running the squirrel cage of paperwork, thankfully my sister was able to make calls on my behalf yesterday which allowed me to keep working. Thanks sis, I appreciate your efforts and help.

Made an effort to contact my housing source yesterday but we are playing phone tag, will try again today.

Short post this morning, I will bring you new info as it comes during the day.

I will be leaving tomorrow around 0300 am so as to beat the morning traffic on hwy 101, I hear it can get real nasty. Go early take a nap when I get there.

Talk soon

Sunday, February 1, 2009

" We call him "Stump Jumper"

1410 hours.

Can you believe what you are seeing. Silly dog swam all the way out to that stump and climbed on top of it got a drink, spun around 360 degrees and jumped off.

The amazing thing is that he did this feat the day before and we did not have a camera, but him being the "Awesome Dawg", he went out and did it the very next day, same thing, water about 4 feet deep, stump out of the ground about 10-12 inches, Silly dawg scratched his way to the top. Hence the name "Stump Jumper"

Well after some careful thought yesterday I decide to come home a day early and prepare some material that the therapists are wanting. I will return on Wednesday to be with Dar and all her therapists with "ammo" in hand.

They wanted me to put together an audio tape of simple questions and tasks that Dar can start working on. They have learned that Dar works even harder than she is, when I am around. I put together a tape of about 20 things they can focus on. Maverick even got involved, talking to mommy when he heard his name mentioned.

Therapy also wanted a photo album of different pictures with titles on the back that they could use to begin to see how much Dar might be seeing. I put together about 18 phots of different things we have done and people we have been with.

I would imagine that tomorrow Dar will have her second "dye" test, if all goes well and we successfully pass three test we might be looking at putting the "button" on the trach maybe Wednesday. I do not know how long between tests that they wait. If it were to be Monday and Tuesday and Dar passes all three then I need to be ready to take her Bi-Pap and oxygen machine to the hospital. For those of you that may not know Dar also suffers from chronic sleep apniea, (forgets to breath), so she is supplemented with 30 per cent oxygen at night. So, if Dar is basically sleeping and they put the button on the trach, then you can see that she will be with her breathing machine all the time until she wakes up further. Creates a new set of conditions, some that quite frankly scare the crap out of me.

I am looking forward to working with Dar's therapy team, I saw her physical therapist, Mike, a couple of times Friday. He was encouraged with Dar's progress although he would like to see more voluntary movements and some following of commands. He stopped by again before he left and got to see Dar move her head several times, and "he" even got her to stick her tongue out when asked.

Latosha and family continue to be great, Carol and Tosha went for a litle stroll yesterday and as I said Carol braided Dar's hair. Tosha has even gone so far as to make sure the curtain divider between the girls is open when mom or dad leave so she can keep an eye on Dar. As I said, "Angels On Earth".

Stewart stayed home yesterday and went to a long overdue neighborhood bar-b-que, I told him he better bring me back some chicken, Dar heard me say it and started laughing, must have thought it was her chicken.

In addition to all the medical chores I have had today I paid the bills, gave Mav a bath, changed the sheets, two loads of wash, two loads to dry and fold, maybe I will get a moment to just relax and watch a little of the Super Bowl. We'll see.

Once again folks thank you for all you have done and all of your support, it is going to be a busy week, down and back on Wednesday back down on Saturday and Sunday,

As always, love to you all
